Saturday, June 18, 2011

Don't ignore strangers among us

From Alabama-

We don't think much about those on the edge of life.

It's easy to ignore these strangers because we don't re ally see them. We look right through so many as we go about our business. We never think much about the stranger, until we are one.

It was my first Boy Scout summer camp. I wanted to be a Scout more than anything, and even though I was the new kid on the block and by far the youngest in my troop, I was all in. I tried my best to fit, but it didn't work. I was terrible at knots and was always a little uncoordinated doing most everything. Add to that a healthy dose of baby fat, and here was a kid who most of the others wanted to avoid.

Our troop was known for building an enormous three-level tower in the middle of our camp. It was a sight to behold. The entire troop gathered with our adult leaders to put it all to gether. Everyone helped, ev­eryone that is, except me. I didn't have much to offer, at least that is what everyone thought and I was convinced myself. I was given menial sideline tasks, but never in­vited to help directly on the tower. I was in many ways a stranger in the land.

More here-

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