From New Haven Conn.-
Between the heat from the stove and the steam from the dishwasher at the Community Soup Kitchen, head cook Sherry Williams has learned to endure.
"It gets pretty hot," said Williams, 33, near the end of her shift just before noon on a recent summer weekday.
She said she deals with it by splashing herself with cold water and essentially exercising mind over matter. "As long as you don't keep saying, 'It's hot. It's hot,' it kind of works out for you," Williams said as a floor fan groaned in the background and pushed around the hot air.
By September, Williams and the rest of the kitchen staff are hoping for some relief as the soup kitchen kicks off an upgrade of the heart of that facility — the kitchen — much of which hasn't been touched since it was installed in the 1960s in the building owned by Christ Church Episcopal.
Williams, a volunteer before she was hired, will benefit from the generosity of another volunteer, who loved nothing better than to show up with his tool belt and fix whatever odd jobs needed to be done.
Now retired from a job where he oversaw construction work, the donor, who wishes to remain anonymous, has provided a check for $54,000 to help with the project, as well as a $20,000 matching grant.
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