From The Washington Post-
“What do think will happen” a longtime Episcopalian asked me in Charlotte, N.C., “now that Archbishop ... er ... “
“Rowan Williams,” I said.
“ ... yes, Rowan Williams, has decided to retire?”
The question took me aback. I rarely hear Episcopalians talking about the Archbishop of Canterbury, the London-based head of the worldwide Anglican Communion, which includes the Episcopal Church as its U.S. branch.
Many Episcopalians pray for the 61-year-old prelate every Sunday, but as Canterbury has gotten more conservative and more solicitous of arch-conservative Anglican bishops from the Third World, Anglicans in developed nations choose to walk their own progressive path.
That separateness was accentuated in 2010, when, in an act of extraordinary rudeness, Williams’ office asked the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church not to wear a miter, the pointy hat that symbolizes a bishop’s authority, while preaching in London.
Why? Because the presiding bishop, the Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, was a she. Later, she called the request “beyond bizarre.”
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