The House of Deputies Committee on the State of the Church is charged with preparing and presenting a report on the State of the Church (Canon 1.6.5b) and with setting the form of the Parochial Report. This triennium's committee decided to add new areas which would enlighten the Church members on how it is fairing moving from a "corporate" mode to a new environment that is and will remain in process for several years.
The report is full of new graphs in different categories that the committee would like you to review prior to attending General Convention. Although the Demographic section is similar to the 2009 HOD State of the Church Report, we were able to add several new graphs which are: Number of Episcopal Congregations by Year Founded: 1610-2010, Change in Key Statistical Areas: 2000-2010, Age Structure of the United States and The Episcopal Church : 2010, Congregations in Financial Stress: 2010, by Size. These graphs can be found on Pages 60 through 64 of the report.
The next category is the Laity. The Demographics of the Laity Graph can be found on Page 64. This report also contains the first survey ever sent to all deputies for their input. We are grateful to President Bonnie Anderson for allowing us access to the list of deputies and alternates. And we thank the deputies and alternates (834) who responded to the survey. The Survey Respondent Data Graph is on page 66.
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