This morning’s Telegraph leader makes a robust – and justifiable – defence of the independence of the Church in the wake of yesterday’s vote on women bishops:
Commentators and politicians – including the Prime Minister – queued up to express their regret or their anger, with some suggesting that the Church had somehow proved itself unfit for the modern world, or to be the state religion of a modern, civilised country” it noted, before urging “It is at this point that we need to take a deep breath. The purpose of the Church is not to accommodate the demands of secular society; its duty is to a higher power.
As I wrote yesterday, I have some doubts about the actual existence of that higher power, but the principle is sound. Our parliamentarians are currently running around trying to shove in more oars than an Oxford eight. We’ve got Leveson and press regulation. I’ve lost count of the number of inquiries we’ve got into Savile, the BBC and the miscellaneous child-abuse allegations. And at the beginning of the week the Attorney General, Dominic Grieve, was forced to politely but firmly push back on Defence Secretary Philip Hammond after – again at Parliament’s urging – he tried to insert himself into the ongoing case of jailed SAS sniper Danny Nightingale.
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