Dear friends in Christ,
Several times in the past year I have spoken of a diocesan-wide conversation concerning human sexuality to take place in early 2013. Now that we are at that point in time, I am writing to let you know the planning for this dialogue is well underway, and that structured conversations will soon begin and evolve through several phases described below. I urge you now, as I will throughout, to prepare for, pray about, and take part in the conversation as you are able.
The reason for this dialogue, as a practical matter, is to help inform my decision as your bishop on how the diocese should approach two issues current in the Church: the blessing of same-sex relationships and the ordination of partnered gay or lesbian persons. An equally important purpose is for us to come together as a diocese in constructive conversation to find and follow continuing paths to healing and reconciliation.
I have been keenly aware since the early phase of the search process that led to my election, that matters involving sexuality, Biblical authority and related issues have been significant flashpoints in this diocese and have caused a great deal of pain in the way they have been handled. I know that, even years before the 2008 split, a growing division that cut multiple ways made discussing critical issues in an open forum nearly impossible; the conflict created feelings of being marginalized or dismissed, or of being burdened or distracted by continuing tension. Since 2008, those who remained have worked hard and made great strides toward restoring respect and a sense of unity and purpose. However, questions of same-sex blessings and ordaining partnered homosexuals remain part of our unfinished business, and to address them now can understandably reawaken tremendous anxiety. The last thing we want is further injury to an already wounded Church.
More here-
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