In giving up the papacy, Pope Benedict XVI was brave and bold. He did the unexpected for the good of the Catholic Church. And when it selects a new pope next month, the College of Cardinals should be equally brave and bold. It is time to elect a nun as the next pontiff.
Now, I know this is the longest of long shots. I have great faith in the Holy Spirit to move papal conclaves, but I may be running ahead of the Spirit on this one. Women, after all, are not yet able to become priests, and it is unlikely that traditionalists in the church will suddenly upend the all-male, celibate priesthood, let alone name a woman as the bishop of Rome.
Nonetheless, handing leadership to a woman -- and in particular, to a nun -- would vastly strengthen Catholicism, help the church solve some of its immediate problems and inspire many who have left the church to look at it with new eyes.
Consider, first, what constitutes the church's strongest claim on public respect and affection. It is not its earthly power, the imposing beauty of St. Peter's Basilica or even its determination to preserve its doctrine. Rather, the church impresses even its critics and inspires its most loyal and most dissident members because so many in its ranks walk the talk of the Gospel.
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