The city of Lockhart, Texas, isn’t known as an ideal environment for citrus, but two trees at Emmanuel Church consistently produce delicious ruby red grapefruit and help pay for parish ministries.
A parishioner planted the two trees 15 years ago between Emmanuel’s nave and its parish hall.
“The fact that they do so well is a miracle in and of itself,” parishioner Liz McGinty said.
During especially good harvests in the past few years, the parish has sold grapefruit at an annual library festival to raise money for various causes.
This year, the grapefruit ripened later than usual and, with the threat of impending freezing temperatures, Emmanuel’s senior warden called on the church to help pick the particularly abundant batch of grapefruit immediately after a Sunday-morning service. That morning, the congregation harvested more than 1,000 grapefruit.
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