Pope Benedict’s retirement was not such a surprise to the former Archbishop of Canterbury, who had discussed “the pressures of office” with the pontiff during their last meeting a year ago. Bishop Rowan Williams, now the Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge, told Vatican Radio that in a private meeting in the Vatican last March, the two Church leaders discussed “the promise of being able to do a bit more thinking and praying”. The former leader of the worldwide Anglican Communion also said he was aware that Pope Benedict was increasingly "recognising his own frailty”.
Bishop Williams revealed that he has written a private letter to the Pope and he says this resignation may have a significant impact on ecumenical relations by “demystifying the papacy”.
Listen to Philippa Hitchen’s interview with Bishop Rowan Williams:
Read the transcript here Real MP3
“It wasn’t a total surprise, I think because in our last conversation I was very conscious that he was recognising his own frailty and it did cross my mind to wonder whether this was a step he might think about…..
Can you share any of that conversation with us?
These conversations are private of course…but it was a sense I had that he was beginning to ask the question, ‘is it possible to carry on with a good conscience’, and I’m sure it must be in his mind that for all the previous pope’s immense courage and the example he set in shouldering on to the end, it might not be - now - for the best interests of the whole church.
You yourself were due to retire at the end of the year – did you talk about your own plans, your feelings with him?
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