As you toil without chocolate, coffee or another vice this Lent, spare a thought for the bishop you may witness lugging a large cross through a town near you.
Bishop Stuart Robinson will begin a six-week pilgrimage on Saturday morning, taking a two-metre wooden cross 514 kilometres, spreading the Christian message through the Anglican Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn.
"Initially, I think, because it's such an unusual idea, people did do a bit of a double take and said 'you're carrying a what, where, how?'" Bishop Robinson said.
"But people now see the value of it, because it will give me an opportunity, as I'm travelling, to speak to people about the Christian message … and to be connecting with people who we might not normally connect with.
"Over the years various Christian leaders have carried crosses at significant moments in history, and given the fact it's Canberra's 100th anniversary, and the 150th anniversary of our diocese, I thought it might be appropriate for the Anglican Bishop.
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