Barbara Campbell, poet for the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut, shared the goals of the “Way of the Cross” march in Washington D.C. late last month.
The march was meant to address what the Episcopal Church sees as a “culture of violence” in America, she said at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church.
It was also a re-enactment of the “Stations of the Cross” ceremony, in which participants ceremonially walk with Jesus and offer prayers inspired by events that occurred as he carried his cross to his crucifixion.
The public policy page on EpiscopalChurch.org encourages individuals and congregations to support “social justice” issues. Last year in Hartford Campbell participated in a march against Capital Punishment. In the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting, Campbell has voiced her support for gun control.
“I think what Newtown has brought to the forefront in my mind, and in many people’s minds, is the prevalence of violence in our society,” said Campbell. “I hope that the church as well as others will look closely at that and hopefully begin to change the culture of violence.”
Campbell’s goals as a gun control advocate are to establish universal background checks, impose a limit on magazine size, and ban assault weapons. She also hopes to reduce gun violence through additional funding of metal health care institutions.
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