The shallow dirt grave into which King Richard III's body was hurriedly tossed, and centuries later covered up by a concrete parking lot, must top the list of ignominious royal burials.
It was inevitable, perhaps, that its discovery last September would be followed by calls for the 15th-century monarch, immortalized by Shakespeare as a miserable, murderous wretch, to finally receive a proper interment, with the tomb, ceremony, and dignity usually afforded a king.
However, what’s happened so far has been short on dignity.
“It has got a bit grubby,” says David Grummitt, a specialist in late medieval and early Tudor history at the University of Kent. “I don't know if anyone has really thought about what Richard III himself would have wanted.”
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1 comment:
Quote “in Leicester there is a feeling that people are jumping on bandwagons and trying to take something that belongs in Leicester.” Richard III does NOT belong to Leicester! Lets truly hope the courts make the right decision after viewing all the facts, including the request to have access to the remains after re-interment for 'scientific' reasons... I would rather he had never been found than this...
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