Fresh off his star-making sermon at the British royal wedding on Saturday, Episcopal Presiding Bishop Michael Curry plans to take part in a candlelight vigil and protest in front of the White House on Thursday.
Curry will be joined by leaders from Christian churches who say they are concerned about a "dangerous crisis of moral and political leadership at the highest levels of our government and in our churches." Those crises, Curry and the other Christian leaders say, put "the soul of the nation and the integrity of faith" at stake.
Organizers say they expect 1,000 people to turn out for a church service before the protest and for the protest itself, to be held on Thursday evening in Lafayette Square, a park across the street from the White House.
"This weekend I spoke about the way of love. As elders, we view bringing the Reclaiming Jesus declaration to the public square as a tangible example of how to live out that way of love," Curry said, referring to a statement, called "Reclaiming Jesus," endorsed by progressive Christian leaders who lament the rise of political partisanship and the marginalization of vulnerable communities.
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