Reports that the Church of England is to open up its pulpits to joyful Pentecostalist preachers in the style of the Royal wedding sermoniser, Bishop Michael Curry, may be just a tiny bit exaggerated. The truth is a minor tweak in church regulations is making it easier for local parishes to cooperate with their neighbouring black churches. And this is only part of a much wider effort, shepherded by archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, called Renewal and Reform, which is meant to shake the church free of its possibly fatal complacency.
It is certainly true, however, that the service at Meghan and Harry’s weddingdramatised the heroic efforts the Church of England is making to unstuffify itself. Mixing American, black preaching style with the jewel-encrusted tradition of St George’s chapel is only one example of the work it needs to do. The great difficulty for the Church of England is that it seems pointless to most people outside it, while the traditional language of evangelical Christianity, which is meant to reach out to new members, looks bigoted as well.
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