The presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church offered words of hope and comfort Sunday afternoon to area Episcopalians coping with the aftermath of Hurricane Florence.
“We need each other,” Bishop Michael B. Curry told a packed crowd at St. James Episcopal Church’s Perry Hall, citing the passage from Genesis that “it is not good for a human being to be alone.” “We were made for relationships with God and each other.” For those troubled or depressed, he urged, “Do something for somebody else.”
In a lighter mood, the bishop led the crowd in a sing-along of the Bill Withers song “Lean on Me,” with the refrain, “We all need somebody to lean on.”
Curry was touring the region on pastoral visits to those engaged in hurricane recovery and relief. On Saturday, Curry was at St. Anne’s Episcopal Church in Jacksonville, and Sunday morning, he made an unpublicized stop with parishioners of St. Philip’s Episcopal Church in Southport.
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