Saturday, March 23, 2019

British minister sees more spirituality among Americans than Europeans

From Virginia-

Of course, it bothers the Rev. Justin Ivatts that many people seem to be focusing more on secular things and paying less attention to God.

But the Englishman, who now ministers at two Clarke County churches, has noticed over the years that Americans strive to have some kind of spirituality more so than Europeans.
He wonders why, considering that “European values are more in sync with what Jesus preached,” Ivatts said. For instance, he said, people with more money have a greater responsibility to help the poor.
“Britain is much more secular nowadays than the U.S.,” he observed, mentioning that churches there — especially ones in larger cities — generally are no longer well-attended.
“If you say over there that you go to church on Sundays, some people are going to look at you like you’ve got two heads,” said Ivatts. “It’s not cool,” so to speak, to attend church.

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