Friday, May 10, 2019

In Good Faith: The soundtracks of our lives

From Akron-

Whenever I watch a show on Netflix or see a movie, I’m always struck by how dramatic the scenes are - the courtroom encounters, the romantic professions of love, the stirring chase scenes. And then I contrast this with my own life, and the interactions I have on a daily basis feel somehow ... lacking.

It finally struck me one day, that it’s less about the drama in my life. I mean, sure, I don’t engage in many high-speed chases with guns blazing, like some sort of clerical version of James Bond. And my wife wouldn’t take kindly to my living as though I was starring in a romantic comedy. Nor would my bishop.

But I realized the thing that’s really missing is the accompanying soundtrack. What makes so many of these moments tug at the heartstrings or get the heart pumping, is the music that matches the movement.

That training scene in “Rocky” set to “Gonna Fly Now” just wouldn’t fly if Sylvester Stallone was doing one-armed pushups and punching raw meat if it was set to, say, “The Sound of Silence” or simply silence. Or Darth Vader entering a scene from “Star Wars” without composer John Williams’ iconic accompanying “Imperial March” theme, wouldn’t create that same sense of impending doom, than if he just appeared from stage left. Music sets the mood and heightens the drama and intensifies the emotions that go with the script.

More here-

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