When Paula White, who’s often described as President Trump’s personal spiritual adviser, railed
in her invocation at his reelection kickoff rally last week against
“every demonic network who has aligned itself” against Trump, her words
bothered me, personally and spiritually.
written critically about Trump, but I don’t consider myself a tool of
the Devil, and I didn’t like it when a prominent religious leader seemed
to be making that accusation about millions of Americans. We have
enough problems in this country without the president’s pastor literally
demonizing political opponents.
But it’s a good
rule in journalism (and in politics and religion, too) to try to
understand what motivates disturbing comments. And as it happens, I know
a faithful supporter of Pastor Paula, as her followers call her, who
could explain her theology. He’s the Rev. Paul F.M. Zahl, an Episcopal minister
who was my closest friend in high school and with whom I still
regularly correspond. He is a frequent attendee of Pastor Paula’s
More here-
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