The cast of Ashes to Ashes, a hilarious new web comedy available for viewing now at ashestoashestheseries.com, will be familiar to the city’s theatergoers from dozens of productions by Lit Moon Theatre Company, the Theatre Group at Santa Barbara City College, the UCSB theater department, Genesis West, and more. Even if you’ve seen Mitchell Thomas, Jenna Scanlon, Annie Torsiglieri, Brian Harwell, Stanley Hoffman, Irwin Appel, and Tom Hinshaw onstage in everything from Shakespeare to Beckett, you most likely haven’t seen how well they adapt to the small screen, and in particular to the archetypal situation comedy. Now is your chance.
As written by Mitchell Thomas and Michael Bernard, these eight short episodes (they average about five minutes apiece) distill the eternal verities of the sitcom worldview to a highly concentrated essence. Thomas plays Father Ben, the doofus pastor of an Episcopal church in a town much like Santa Barbara. He encounters plenty of classic sitcom obstacles in his eight-episode story arc, some of them quite harsh. He gets no respect from his staff. Secretary Judy (Jenna Scanlon) clearly looks down on his slacker work ethic and lack of originality or responsibility, and his sexton Rob (Stan Hoffman) smokes pot on the job. Add to that the fact that his wife, Marcia (Ailish Dermody), tells him to his face that she’s sleeping with sleazy pinot honcho Sean the Winemaker (Brian Harwell).
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