Religious News Service article on the depositions in San Joaquin. Abandon Communion !
An Episcopal Church committee voted Friday (Oct. 17) to oust more than 50 California clerics who left the denomination last year to join a more conservative province in the Anglican Communion. The 16 deacons and 36 priests have six months to recant and return to the Episcopal Church before they are defrocked by Bishop Jerry Lamb of the Fresno-based Diocese of San Joaquin, according to Episcopal News Service. Charged with "abandoning" the Episcopal Church, the 52 deacons and priests would no longer be allowed to function as Episcopal clergy. Diocesan spokeswoman Nancy Key said two clergy have decided to rejoin the Episcopal Church since the committee began considering charges against them.
Fr. Simons,
Your post headline is very muddled. How can one be ousted for leaving? These clerical folks made a choice just as many of your clergy have done the same. They have abandoned the Episcopal Church. The Standing Committee has recommended to Bishop Lamb that there be some finality to there confusing and confounding journey.
The fact that the church is Officially 'ousting' leaders who are standing up for the teaching of the Holy Scriptures is testimoy to the fact the it is the Episcopal Church who is on the confusing and confunding journey not them!
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