From the London Telegraph. I think "redundant" has a different meaning there.
The prayer has been written to offer comfort to those who have been sacked as the economy heads into recession, by recognising their fears and suggesting that belief in God can help them cope.
It includes the verse: "Hear me as I cry out in confusion, help me to think clearly, and calm my soul."
The Church has written a second prayer from the viewpoint of someone who has kept their job while others in the same office or factory have lost theirs, describing their feelings of sadness, guilt and worries about the future.
It asks of God: "In the midst of this uncertainty, help me to keep going: to work to the best of my ability, taking each day at a time."
The two prayers have been published on the Church of England's website and are also being printed in a leaflet to be handed out in churches.
The Bishop of Ripon and Leeds, the Rt Rev John Packer, said the prayers show that the Church is there for people in times of crisis.
1 comment:
Yes, in the UK to be "made redundant" is what we call being laid off.
Bill Ghrist
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