St. Francis Episcopal Church has started a new ministry called Tuesday’s Solace.
It’s a way for caregivers of people with dementia or Alzheimer’s to get an afternoon of personal time.
“The patients come in for a day of activity,” said volunteer coordinator Ginger Woods of Temple. “We exercise, sing, play bingo and do arts and crafts. It’s good socialization time for them, and it’s a good break for their families.”
Having formed in November, the group cares for eight to 10 people with dementia or Alzheimer’s 1 to 4:30 p.m. every Tuesday.
“Each patient, or member as we call them, is paired with a volunteer,” said Carole McCall, the volunteer director. “That volunteer is the member’s buddy. They go around and do all the activities with the members.”
To date, the group has about 20 volunteers.
“We were all trained with the Alzheimer’s Community Respite of Texas,” Ms. McCall said, mentioning that they modeled their program after the Thursday Club of First Lutheran Church in Temple.
For three years, the Thursday Club has been caring for Alzheimer’s patients from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Thursdays.
“The group has really grown there,” Ms. Woods said. “And it’s proved really useful.”
Ms. McCall said St. Francis decided to start its own program when one of its members became a full-time caregiver to her husband.
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