More on the Party Priest. You can follow the whole thing by clicking on "Gregory Malia" in the labels below. Incidentally Dom Perignon was a Benedictine Monk who when he first tasted a wine that had been re-bottled discovered it was full of bubbles and is reported to have said "I'm tasting stars".
On Wednesday, Dec. 31, the Rev. Malia defended his actions and said the Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem rushed to judgement after an article appeared in The New York Daily News on Sunday that reported he spends tens of thousands of dollars on tips and liquor at trendy Manhattan nightclubs.
"I work 98 percent of the time, I don't get much time off at all and I do like to have fun," the Rev. Malia, 43, of Laflin, told The Times-Tribune on Wednesday, Dec. 31.
Speaking by cell phone from a vacation in Florida, the Rev. Malia described the Daily News reports as flawed.
The Daily News reported the Rev. Malia spent $35,000 for a bottle of champagne at one club and tipped waitresses as much as $10,000.
Disputing the accuracy of The Daily News' accounts, the Rev. Malia said he does not spend large amounts of money at night clubs as alleged.
The Rev. Malia suffers from hemophilia and his pharmacy, New Life Home Care, caters to people with similar bleeding disorders.
With an apartment in New York City, the Rev. Malia said he is able to access treatment for his condition he cannot find elsewhere. He said he did not realize spending time with friends at nightclubs would conflict with the church's call to live modestly.
Meanwhile, The Daily News reporter stood by his story Wednesday.
"It's interesting Gregory has chosen to attack The Daily News instead of addressing the allegations against him," reporter Sean Evans said.
Efforts to reach the Pink Elephant - a club the Rev. Malia visited according to The Daily News - were unsuccessful Wednesday.
The alleged $35,000 bottle of Dom Perignon was bought at a discounted price, the Rev. Malia said, and will be used in a fundraiser for an advocacy organization for bleeding disorders, which he would not name.
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