The Episcopal Diocese of Quincy is moving ahead with plans to reorganize, despite the defection of a number of clergy and church members who voted in November 2008 to pull out of The Episcopal Church and join a foreign province of the worldwide Anglican Communion.
The diocese, which represents 24 churches and about 1,800 parishioners in a geographic area of west-central Illinois bounded roughly by Quincy, Peoria and the Quad Cities -- including St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Canton and St. James Episcopal Church in Lewistown -- has named three clergy and five laypeople from the area to an Executive Steering Committee, which met in New York City on Feb. 9 and 10 with Episcopal Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori.
During the committee’s meeting with the presiding bishop,committee members were introduced to the Right Rev. Keith Whitmore, assistant bishop in the Diocese of Atlanta, Ga. Whitmore is the retired bishop of the Diocese of Eau Claire, Wis., and a graduate of Nashotah House Seminary. After consulting with him and with the presiding bishop, the committee invited Whitmore to serve as a consultant as it plans for the reorganizing meeting of the Diocesan Synod. Whitmore is serving in this capacity as part of the outreach mission of the Diocese of Atlanta.
The committee’s main order of business is identifying and offering support to parishioners who wish to remain Episcopalian rather than follow former diocesan leadership to a foreign province. The dissenters have indicated they are “realigning” with the Province of the Southern Cone, headquartered in Argentina.
1 comment:
Silly boy, it is the Dio. of Quincy, not Dr. Quincy!!!!!!
What a sense of humor.
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