Dear brothers and sisters,
I have asked Tim Skimina of St. Timothy’s, Griffith to share with you the experiences of the recent mission team we sent to our companion Diocese of Honduras.
Yours in Christ,
+Ed Little
Compañeros en Cristo
The purpose of our mission trip was get to know the villagers of Delicias del Norte - a small village in the mountains near San Pedro Sula , Honduras . A secondary purpose was to work along side the villagers building stoves, pillas (above ground cisterns with a scrub board and faucet) and a latrine. We spent the first two days visiting the churches, daycare center and clinics we helped to build or support over the years. As we traveled across the country, we visited the people we worked with on past trips.
On a hill in the village stands San Lucas an Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Honduras. The people in the village are kind and filled with the spirit of Christ’s love. That is evident to any who come into contact with them. One day while Rev. Dan Layden was working on a stove, his work group ran out of cement to mix. He recalls, “My shoulders are still sore from mixing cement with a shovel all week, but that is another story.
Anyway, I was glad for a little break. In our down time, I struck up a conversation through the translator with Bonifacio the local mason in charge of our work group. I asked him a simple question, ‘How do you like your Church?’ To my surprise he told me of how the Church had come to the village a few decades earlier and how he had been baptized. He went on to say that the church changed his life. As he told his story I could see the deep feeling in the man. I thought to myself, ‘Thank God for those who brought the Gospel here to this village some years ago.’ I further thought how amazing God’s love is. Here I sit in a place I have no business otherwise being and the love of God shines to me through a man with which I have so little in common.”
(The rest is here)
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