Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and other members of the National Council of Churches Eco-Justice Program recently met with Carol M. Browner, who is Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change.
Energy conservation and climate change are just two of many topics about which the new administration has sought out the views of The Episcopal Church and other faiths, a policy Bishop Jefferts Schori said was “refreshing and exceeding hopeful.”
Advocacy work is seen by Bishop Jefferts Schori and other leaders in The Episcopal Church as a function of living out the church’s Baptismal Covenant which includes a promise to “strive for justice and peace.” Based on resolutions passed at General Convention and by Executive Council, staff members from The Episcopal Church’s Office of Governmental Relations (OGR) advocate on behalf of social justice policies with the White House and with the U.S. Congress. Maureen Shea is the director of OGR.
“One way we seek to fulfill our Baptismal Covenant is by pursuing broad social change through public policies that will bring about a more just and peaceful world,” she said. “We use our networks and our expertise, both with the administration and Congress, to change those policies and to have a strong voice in the public square.”
The Episcopal Church believes there is a strong connection between energy policy and concerns about climate change, according to DeWayne Davis, domestic policy analyst for the OGR.
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