It has the makings of a telenovela: A handsome Cuban-American priest and TV personality caught cavorting with his girlfriend on a Florida beach. After much soul-searching, he decides to leave the Catholic Church for his love.
Even as many Americans scratch their heads and ask "Father who?" the saga of the Rev. Alberto Cutie has become a media sensation in the Hispanic community, both here and in Latin America.
"It's in all the papers in my country," said Costa Rican masseuse Karla Nolee, herself the daughter of a former Roman Catholic priest. "He is so famous internationally, it's touched people."
Around office watercoolers and over afternoon coffee, people are talking about "Padre Alberto," even those who barely knew of him before the scandal.
Cutie — dubbed "Father Oprah" by the English-language media for his relationship advice — long exerted influence from his church pulpit in the heart of Miami Beach. The bilingual priest offered frank messages on faith and relationships delivered through syndicated columns, radio programs, television shows and a book.
His striking blue eyes, black hair and penchant for attending high-profile events — often at the latest South Beach hot spots — only added to his celebrity.
Then, last month, a Spanish-language magazine published photos of him and his girlfriend. Rather than be outraged, hundreds of parishioners demonstrated in support of him.
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