From The Living Church
The annual convocation of the Navajoland Area Mission adopted overwhelmingly an amended resolution to defer the election of an interim bishop until September. The convocation met June 12-14 at Good Shepherd Mission in Fort Defiance, Ariz.
Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori presided and officiated at the opening Eucharist, which was attended by about 150 persons, including 40 delegates. Prior to the start of the convocation, Bishop Jefferts Schori had nominated the Rev. Canon David Bailey, canon to the ordinary for the Diocese of Utah, as a possible choice for interim bishop. Her proposal also included identifying and training Navajo leadership, and fund raising in conjunction with the Episcopal Church Foundation.
But during debate, several speakers said they felt that the proposal had not been discussed adequately within Navajoland. Others asked whether it would be possible for the Rt. Rev. Mark MacDonald, National Indigenous Bishop for the Anglican Church of Canada, to continue serving as assisting Bishop of Navajoland, a role he has held since 2006. Bishop Jefferts Schori said that Archbishop Fred Hiltz, primate of Canada, had said previously that he wants Bishop MacDonald working in Canada on a full-time basis.
“It is my hope to ordain a Navajo bishop during my tenure as Presiding Bishop,” she said, adding that she had put forward the name of Canon Bailey in an effort to ensure that there would continue to be an episcopal presence during the transition until the area mission is able to raise up a Navajo bishop. “If nothing changes, nothing changes,” she said.
As debate continued, Bishop MacDonald put forward an amendment to provide additional time to assess the area’s views and needs. According to the approved resolution, a leadership conference to facilitate the election of an interim bishop in September would be created with the election of a Navajo bishop planned for 2013. Bishop MacDonald would continue to serve until after the election of an interim bishop in September. Bishop Jefferts Schori described the amended proposal as “a way forward.”
The approved resolution also includes a design team of Church Center staff and Navajo area representatives. Bishop MacDonald will be joined on the design team by the Rev. Canon Charles Robertson, canon to the Presiding Bishop; and one Navajo from each of the three regions: Lillie Henderson from Utah, Anna Fowler from New Mexico, and Fred Dick from Arizona.
Among other convocation business, delegates approved a $396,000 annual budget.
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