My buddy George-
The Very Rev. George L. W. Werner of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh opened the September 10, 2009, session of the United States House of Representatives with this prayer:
Gracious God,
we meet in a challenging moment of your history.
We cannot control all that may endanger us,
but we can choose our behavior
and the example we set as leaders.
Facing overwhelming challenges,
the signers of our Declaration of Independence pledged
"their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor."
In Romans, Paul, too, encourages us
to "outdo one another in showing honor."
Please send your Holy Spirit among us,
strengthening our vision and courage to do right,
especially when no one is watching.
Not for just this great House, but all levels of government,
corporations, institutions and organizations;
financial, industrial, commercial, academic, military,
including our religious and altruistic communities
which sadly have not been immune from dishonor;
that our beloved country may continue
to be a beacon of light to a troubled world
and that government for, by and of the people,
shall not perish from the face of this Earth.
More here-
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