Bishop Bruce MacPherson's Convention Address-
Where to begin? Much has gone before us and much is before us, and we gather here this weekend to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Diocese of Western Louisiana as we share in this annual convention. One-hundred and sixty-eight years ago Bishop Leonidas Polk became the first bishop of the new diocese of Louisiana. A ministry that would see him covering vast amounts of the territory as he established congregations far and wide, a ministry that would be cut short as he dies at the hand of war on June 14, 1864 at Pine Mountain, Georgia. Though his death came prematurely during his role as Confederate General, his labour in the vineyard of our Lord bears a witness to his calling and faithful episcopacy as a bishop of the Church Catholic and to his ministry as he set about “Making a path for the Lord.”
As we look at these words from the Old Testament, we see there is much likeness in the man Elijah and that of the man named John. Both of them were one in spirit and office, and this being that both were sent to prepare the way of the Lord! But it didn’t end there. It continued down through the ages, for in every age this work is required. But how can it be done? As Elijah, John, Leonidas, and others have shown. By changing conditions that make difficult the entrance of Christ. By lifting the valleys, lowering the hills, and smoothing the rough road. And as Isaiah continues, “and the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.” [Isaiah 40:5]
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