Here's the Pittsburgh Angle on the Rome/Anglican thing. From the Post Gazette-
A Vatican plan to receive disaffected Anglicans into the Catholic Church while keeping much of their liturgy and a married priesthood, shows the changing fault lines within global Christianity. But it will likely have little impact in Pittsburgh.
The plan announced yesterday would allow groups of Anglicans to join new non-geographic dioceses, called "personal ordinariates," usually headed by former Anglicans.
It got a tepid response from the Episcopal Church and a welcome from the Anglican Church in North America, the group formed in June by 100,000 conservative former Episcopalians and Canadian Anglicans.
In Charleroi, Bishop William Ilgenfritz of the Missionary Diocese of All Saints for Anglo-Catholics in the new Anglican Church in North America, said there may be some interest in his 13 parishes, "but I don't think it's going to be a complete hemorrhage."
The personal ordinariates will have only celibate bishops. That tradition is shared with Orthodoxy, and is crucial to Vatican efforts toward unity with those churches.
Read more: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/09294/1007034-82.stm#ixzz0UatMp6P4
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