From Connecticut-
The Rev. Mark Delcuze, the rector of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church here, is one of four finalists for the position of bishop of the state's Episcopal diocese.
The bishop will be elected Saturday in Hartford.
"It's a honor even to be a named as a finalist,'' said Delcuze, 51, pointing out that the state's bishop must oversee 174 congregations in Connecticut.
Of the other finalists, two are from out of state: the Rev. Ian Douglas of Cambridge, Mass., and the Rev. Beth Fain of Cypress, Texas.
The fourth finalist is the Rev. Jim Curry, who currently serves as suffragan bishop of the state's Episcopal diocese.
The person chosen will be the state's 15th bishop, succeeding the Rev. Andrew Smith.
Karen Hamilton, spokeswoman for the diocese, said that most elections for bishop require the hundreds of delegates on hand to cast several ballots.
"Sometimes it's really obvious from the beginning,'' she said. "Sometimes people vote one way on the first ballot, then see how the spirit moves. Sometimes there is a candidate who just comes out of the middle to win.''
Hamilton said the state's Episcopalians have never chosen an out-of-state candidate as bishop.
"That would be a first,'' she said.
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