From Kenya-
Saying it was a question of faith, Kenya’s Archibishop Eliud Wabukala rebuffed the olive branch extended by Pope Benedict to all Anglicans to join the Catholic Church.
The Archbishop, in an interview with the BBC, said it would not be easy for African Anglicans to enter into full communion with Catholics.
“The Protestant family understands faith in different ways, for example, the idea of the Eucharist, the Lord’s Supper, the interpretation of ministry,” he said.
Splits among Anglicans worldwide over homosexuality and the ordination of women might have inspired the Vatican to take the opportunity and pull the discontented into their fold.
Ugandan Archbishop Henry Luke Orombi, echoing the Kenyan leader, said that African Anglicans still fit comfortably into the mainstream of their local Anglican churches, and see no compelling reason for a change.
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