From The London Telegraph-
Has Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor had a change of heart and thrown his weight fully behind the Pope’s Apostolic Constitution offering special arrangements for Anglican converts? I nearly fell off my chair when I read this sentence from the fascinating transcript of Andrew M Brown’s interview with the Cardinal:
If these priests and lay people really want to become Catholics, then let’s have them, particularly if they’ve got a lot of lay people with them. Something like this is obviously going to be easier than receiving them one by one.
That’s a rather different message from +Cormac’s lukewarm response to the proposal just a few days before the interview, when he reckoned that only small numbers of Anglicans would take advantage of the Personal Ordinariates. If he has re-thought his position, then good for him. The Magic Circle won’t be pleased, but now that the Cardinal is joining the Congregation for Bishops, he really should sever his ties with that mafia of the mediocre.
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