From Newsday-
As head of the Massachusetts Corps of Fire Chaplains, the Rev. Lawrence Provenzano spent five weeks at Ground Zero saying last rites over remains brought to a makeshift morgue.
Compared to that traumatic experience, he says, taking over as bishop of the embattled Episcopal Diocese of Long Island - where his predecessor stepped aside amid a battle with alcoholism and complaints about mismanagement - is nothing.
But weeks into his reign, Provenzano faces another challenge: The Vatican last month announced it is setting up a new structure to allow Anglicans or their entire parishes to more easily switch to the Roman Catholic Church. This would allow married Anglican priests to continue to operate within the Catholic Church.
The move appears aimed at attracting Anglicans - or Episcopalians, as they are known in the United States - who oppose their church's embrace of female priests and gay bishops.
Provenzano, 54, is taking it all in stride and says he is not taking any special steps to prevent defections. "This all becomes a distraction to us in terms of really doing what we are called to do, and that is preaching the Gospel, taking care of the poor, taking care of the homeless," he said. He added that "I don't think any parish in our diocese will take this invitation" by the Vatican. There are nearly 150 Episcopalian parishes in the Long Island diocese.
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