Monday, May 9, 2011

Finding God In Cyberspace: PW Talks with Adam Thomas

From Publishers Weekly

In his first book, Adam Thomas asks, can God be found in computer games? On Facebook? Is God with us when we tweet? Is God, Thomas wants to know, online?

The 28-year-old Episcopal priest answers that question with a clarion-clear "yes" in Digital Disciple: Real Christianity in a Virtual World (Abingdon, May). But his answer comes with a warning—the faithful must look harder and deeper to find the real spirit of God on the Internet.

"This is a completely human construction unlike anything else, and there is a tendency to forget to look for God there," Thomas says. "But you can't turn that part of your brain off when you go online." With awareness and with prayer, wired seekers can connect to "people you know only virtually on a deeper level."

Thomas was 25 when he was ordained in the Episcopal Church, one of the youngest ever to become a priest, placing him in what he calls "the vanguard of the Millennials," the first generation that grew up with the Internet and constant access to the virtual world. With Digital Disciple Thomas hopes to build understanding between Millennials and older generations while also helping all Internet users nurture their faith when visiting the virtual world.

More here-

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