From ENS-
Casey Anthony is not guilty. A jury of her peers has decided she is not to be held responsible and accountable for the death of her daughter. I do not know if this is a just verdict. I have not followed the case closely, in part because of my distrust that the media can report on this or most anything else justly. I am left to trust that the jurors -- who were actually there in the courtroom -- have done the best they could, weighing evidence and receiving impressions from the various witnesses and Ms. Anthony herself.
I can hardly imagine what it must be like to serve on a jury which is charged with the authority of pronouncing a verdict which may include execution. I do know that it is very easy for those not charged with such responsibility to imagine they would, without second thoughts, give such a verdict.
My hope is that Casey Anthony be saved. Justice is certainly important, but isn't salvation more important? It is not unreasonable to conclude that she is a young woman with many character defects (undoubtedly too tame a term): dysfunction produces dysfunction. Thrown yet more into the media frenzy with her acquittal she may be destroyed both from within and without.
If this happens -- and I fear it may -- her "execution" will only be a longer, more terrible ordeal; not state sanctioned and performed, but self-inflicted and society-driven. For some, prison is the place where they finally surrender to God. It appears this will not be the soil for Ms. Anthony's salvation. I pray God she will find it in her "freedom."
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