From Missouri-
Trinity Episcopal Church, located at 318 S. Duchesne Drive in St. Charles, is celebrating its 175th anniversary this year with several events, many focusing on St. Charles history.
The next event will be at 5 p.m. Aug. 14 at the church. Pastor James Vargo and others will speak on the "Founding Women of Faith in St. Charles County." The panel will discuss such noted St. Charles women as Mary Sibley, founder of Lindenwood University, and Rose Philippine Duchesne, a member of the Sacred Heart Order and founder of its St. Charles congregation in 1818.
"Our previous event topic was the Civil War and its impact on local churches," says Keith Hazelwood, chairman of the committee organizing the Historical Speaker Series. "St. Charles County Executive Steve Ehlmann, who has written a history of St. Charles County and is a noted St. Charles County historian, spoke about the histories of St. Charles Borromeo, St. Peter's Catholic Church on First Capitol Drive and St. John's United Church of Christ on Fifth Street.
"The Civil War put St. Charles County residents in positions of conflict among family members, friends and neighbors. Mr. Ehlmann's comments spoke to the types of assistance each church offered its congregation and, as a special part of the presentation, there was a 6-minute segment from a forthcoming video (featuring many photos) created by St. Charles County relating to the Civil War in the county, which will be released later this year. There was a large turnout, a lively presentation and much audience participation, both in the form of comments and questions."
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