Parishioners and church leaders from the main Anglican Church (CPCA) gathered in Harare's Africa Unity Square on Sunday, to perform a cleansing ceremony before finally reclaiming their Cathedral from ex-communicated Bishop, Nolbert Kunonga.
The Cathedral and many other church buildings and properties in Harare province had been seized by Kunonga after he split from the CPCA in 2007. The breakaway Bishop used a favourable High Court ruling, support from the police and violent ZANU PF thugs to keep the CPCA locked out.
But after five years, Kunonga appears to have been abandoned by them all. The CPCA won a legal battle for control of the properties at the Supreme Court this month, and have proceeded to evict Kunonga's supporters and tenants.
Reverend Dzavo told SW Radio Africa that the police have actually been escorting them as they reclaim their buildings and evict Kunonga's supporters.
"For the past five years they have been on the other side helping Kunonga. We are happy that finally they are doing their work without any prejudice and it has been generally peaceful. There was some resistance at first but that has stopped, Reverebd Dzavo explained.
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