Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Staten Island priest featured in Mayor Bloomberg's gun violence campaign

From New York-

To highlight the suffering caused by gun violence,  Mayors Against Illegal Guns -- the group co-chaired by Mayor Michael Bloomberg -- released 34 videos Monday detailing the stories of victims of mass shootings in Aurora, Colo., Oak Creek, Wis., Tucson, Ariz., and Virginia Tech, as well as those affected by less-publicized incidents.

The story of Rev. Kevin Fisher, the rector of St. Mary's Episcopal Church in West Brighton, was included in the campaign.

Rev. Fisher's uncle was killed with his own handgun when an intruder turned it on him in 1985. A decade later, Rev. Fisher's mother, Beatrice, then 68, was killed with a shotgun by William Bartlett Fisher, her husband and Rev. Fisher's father.

More here-

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