TEN years since the signing of the Anglican-Methodist Covenant, it is time for the two Churches to overcome their "inertia" and move towards "institutional" unity, a new report by the Covenant's Joint Implementation Commission (JIC) says.
The Covenant, which was signed in the presence of the Queen a decade ago, committed the two Churches "to overcom[ing] the remaining obstacles to organic unity", and "bring[ing] about closer collaboration" (News, 7 November 2003). This was to include welcoming each other's baptised members, and encouraging forms of "eucharistic sharing".
In a foreword to a report published today, Behold the Servants of the Lord: Assessing ten years of living in the Covenant, the co-chairs of the JIC, the Bishop of Coventry, Dr Christopher Cocksworth, and a former Vice-President of the Methodist Conference, Professor Peter Howdle, acknowledge that the implementation of the Covenant has been, "for some, painfully slow. . . Clearly some issues which were difficult to resolve over 40 years ago are no easier now, and sometimes seem more difficult."
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