An exciting hurdle has been crossed by the Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island’s Jonathan Daniels House (JDH) project, which aims to open a service-oriented intentional community for young adults. After three years of planning and preparing, last week JDH received official membership into the Episcopal Service Corps, a national network of more than 25 Episcopal young adult service programs across the United States.
As an Episcopal Service Corps community, Jonathan Daniels House will draw upon a diverse group of young adults from across the country, and plans to welcome four young adults in August of 2014. Participants will live together, work in service agencies embedded in local communities, and engage in vocational and spiritual discernment for a period of 10 months. They receive a modest stipend and are supported by a program director and mentors.
“We recognize that young people’s lives are formed by their experience in young adulthood – and that the service they provide will change them as well as those around them, said Bishop Nicholas Knisely of the Diocese of Rhode Island. “They will bring energy, vision and ideas to us and new hope to the people they serve.”
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1 comment:
You are using an icon that I painted on your blog of Jonathan Daniels. This was a difficult icon to paint because I could not use the canon of older icons; I had to work with photographs. You have violated my copyright and my intellectual property rights. You have used the icon without my permission and you have failed to attribute the icon to me as the artist. This icon is on my own blog and somehow it has been reposted a great deal from my blog all over the Internet. I can see that your blog is copyrighted 1999, yet you have not honored my own copyright. Because you have done this, I want you to remove my Jonathan Daniels icon immediately from your website. What you have done is unethical, illegal, and unfair, and hypocritical (also actionable legally). You will never be permitted to use this icon under any circumstances. I have studied iconography with a Bulgarian Orthodox Deacon named Румен Спасов. I live in Varna, Bulgarian coast (Black Sea) 8 months out of the year. Do not his icon of Jonathan Daniels under any circumstance. My attorney costs me $250 per hour. But she does get results for me. She sent a registered letter to another person who is using my icon without my permission last Thursday. I think we can work this out without involving an attorney. Simply put, remove my icon of Jonathan Daniels from your website immediately. Remember that my work is my intellectual property and is copywrited. Also, I do not like the contents of your website and I don't want my icon to appear as some sort of assent to your thoughts and opinions. Again, I dislike your commentary and I cannot permit my icon to be used as some sort of assent to your postings (which I find abhorrent). Ironically you insist that your website is copyrighted (as far back as 1999, but you don't have any problem with violating my own work as an artist. Again, remove my icon now. Mark Friesland 109 Mountain View Road Church Hill, TN 37642 (423) 357-0231 Mapko217@telaugos.com 172 Димитър Пешев булевард, 9000 Варна, 0118668731
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