The Rev. Jered Weber-Johnson, an Episcopal priest and rector at St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church in St. Paul, says Castile's death was personal for many in his congregation. Some members or their children knew Castile. Weber-Johnson says Castile's death brought issues of race, injustice and policing to the front door of a mostly white community that often ignores them.
"The kindest and nicest of Minnesotans may have empathy," he says, "but they don't get involved because it didn't happen in our backyard. Unfortunately, it took coming to our backyard for so many to get angry."
Weber-Johnson and other ministers pledged to talk about the good Samaritan this Sunday. In the parable, Jesus tells the story of a Samaritan who helps a man who's been beaten and robbed. It's a story about loving one's neighbor, and even one's enemies. The Dr. Rev. Brian Herron, pastor at Zion Baptist Church in Minneapolis, says it's an apt message during today's troubling times.
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