The primate had asked members not to applaud once the results were announced, and so silence greeted his declaration that Resolution A051-R2, on changing the marriage canon to allow same-sex marriages, had failed to get the two-thirds majority it needed in all three orders of General Synod.
Silent, too, were many of those the Anglican Journal approached for comments. One bishop said he wanted to address his diocese before commenting to the media. Another, Bishop Larry Robertson, of the diocese of the Yukon, suggested that commenting on the divisive issue would only rub salt into fresh wounds.
“It’s caused too much pain already,” he said.
Signs of this pain weren’t hard to see in the aftermath of the vote. Within minutes of its announcement, several members walked out of the conference room rather than take part in the Evensong that followed the vote. In the corridor outside, a female youth delegate collapsed, sobbing, on the floor. Several bystanders came to her aid. Other members headed toward their rooms with swollen eyes and tear-stained cheeks.
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