The Reverend Hubert Brasier died in a car accident on a notoriously dangerous stretch of dual carriageway on the fast-moving A40 approach to Oxford. On his way to take evensong at the tiny Norman church of St Nicholas the Confessor, in the hamlet of Forest Hill, Mr Brasier edged his Morris Marina out of the slip road, not noticing the Range Rover speeding towards him. His daughter, Theresa, was 25 at the time. Mr Brasier had named her after a 16th-century Spanish nun who went on to become a great reformer of the Carmelite order. I wonder how long before cartoonists start depicting the new prime minister’s face superimposed on Bernini’s notorious sculptural depiction, The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa?
The parish of St Mary the Virgin in Wheatley (pictured), where Theresa May’s father was the vicar, is deep in the Anglican heartlands and a place of agreeably slow-moving traffic. A mile up the hill is the sleepy village of Cuddesdon, where generations of Anglican clergy have trained for the priesthood (me included) and which one former archbishop, Lord Runcie of Cuddesdon, has described as the nearest thing to heaven this side of death. But Mr Brasier trained at the distinctly high church college of Mirfield in Yorkshire. And, to many, that made him Father Brasier.
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