Monday, November 20, 2017

Bishop Adams (South Carolina) responds to court rulings

From The Cafe-

The State Supreme Court of South Carolina has denied a petition from the breakaway diocese there to rehear the property case they lost as well as a second motion to force the recusal of a judge they deemed unfriendly to their cause.  You can catch up on that story here.

Today, the bishop serving the Episcopal church’s diocese (called the Episcopal Church in South Carolina as ownership of the name and seal are still to be decided in federal court), the Rt. Rev. Skip Adams issued a statement giving thanks to the court and offering reconciliation.  (printed in full below)

The Episcopal Church offered to settle the cases in a manner that would allow most of the affected parishes to hold ownership of the disputed parish properties, but that offer was summarily rejected by the breakaway diocese in their drive to maintain the properties, the diocesan funds and properties, as well as the name “the Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina.”

More here-

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