From ELO-
Archbishop Daniel Deng Bul of the Episcopal Church of Sudan spoke from the pulpit at Trinity Church, Wall Street, Oct. 10, thanking the parish for its support of the church in Sudan both in times of war and peace, and explaining his visit to the United States.
"Six years ago Sudan signed a Comprehensive Peace Agreement between the people in … south Sudan and the people in the north," Deng said during his sermon at the parish’s 11:15 a.m. Eucharist service. "And this agreement is coming to an end on the ninth of January 2011. We as the church … we have fears that the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, the CPA, all the processes that were supposed to be done have not been completed … The fear in the country is that Sudan will go back to war."
Trinity Church was Deng's first stop on a 12-day visit to the United States, where he is joining an ecumenical delegation in promoting awareness and encouraging advocacy in advance of the Jan. 9 referendum to determine whether war-torn Sudan remains united or splits into two separate countries: north and south.
The referendum is one of the major terms of Sudan's Comprehensive Peace Agreement, which was signed in January 2005 by the two warring parties -- the Government of Sudan in the predominantly Muslim north and the Sudan People's Liberation Movement in the mainly Christian and Animist south -- bringing an end to a 21-year civil war that claimed more than 2 million lives and displaced about 7 million people.
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