Cardinal Donald Wuerl of Washington, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’s delegate for the implementation of Anglicanorum Coetibus in the United States, said in a recent interview that “we’re a little ways off yet” from the establishment of a personal ordinariate of former Anglicans in the United States.
Issued in late 2009, Pope Benedict’s apostolic constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus sets forth the terms for the corporate reception of Anglicans into the Catholic Church. The document allows for the establishment of ordinariates—roughly the equivalent of non-geographical dioceses—to serve the pastoral needs of Anglicans who wish to become Catholic while preserving their own liturgical heritage.
“We’re hearing from those Anglican communities and those Anglicans who wish to explore more fully what the ordinariate will mean and who wish to be a part of it,” Cardinal Wuerl said.
“Questionnaires have gone out asking them to identify more clearly who they are and what the nature is of their current community,” he added. “The goal is to determine whether there is a response substantial enough to warrant the establishment of an ordinariate here in the US.”
“Our next step now is to have the Holy See determine whether there are sufficient numbers and sufficient response to establish an ordinariate.”
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