From Massachusetts
At age 55, Sally Bingham went back to college, then to seminary, and eventually became an Episcopal priest dedicated to standing up for the environment and motivating other religious leaders to do the same. She is a Canon for the Environment in the Diocese of California.
Rev. Canon Bingham says she was inspired to become an advocate for the environment during her 25 years as a trustee of the Environmental Defense Fund.
“At every board meeting scientists came before us giving speeches on what human beings were doing to the planet – telling of over-fishing, deforestation, lead in paint, coral reefs dying,” says Bingham. “I saw an amazing void. Why aren’t ministers talking about saving creation? I felt it was a call from God to be a religious person who stepped up to call on people to have a reverence for the earth.
“Something happened inside of me and there was no alternative. I didn’t have any choice. It was as if Mary said, ‘No God, I’m not having your son.’ If faith, and in my case Christian faith, is about love, peace and justice, for me it’s also about the integrity of creation. You can’t be a person of faith and trash creation. If you sit in a pew and say you love God, you need to be responsible to love what God loves … and God loves the world so much he gave his only begotten son.”
Bingham will bring this passionate belief to Brooks School in North Andover, in a free public presentation at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 16. She plans to talk about several environmental efforts already underway by businesses in the Merrimack Valley.
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