From ENS-
The Rt. Rev. Chester Lovelle Talton was formally seated March 5 as provisional bishop of the Modesto-based Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin at Holy Family Church in Fresno, California.
Earlier in the day, delegates to a special convention had approved a resolution affirming Talton as the Central California Valley diocese's provisional bishop, said Cindy Smith, president of the diocesan standing committee.
"We've got 19 congregations and everybody was there and accounted for, all the parishes and clergy. The resolution that the standing committee put forward passed unanimously. Everybody very much wanted Bishop Chet," said Smith during a March 6 telephone interview from her Bakersfield home.
Talton succeeds the Rt. Rev. Jerry A. Lamb, who had served as provisional bishop since Feb. 2008. Lamb had announced his intention to retire and called for the special meeting, in accordance with Article V Section 4 of the diocesan constitution.
"We had a great turnout, over 200 people, the church was packed," Smith said.
The ministries of both Jerry and Jane Lamb were recognized during the afternoon festivities, which included the symbolic passing of the crosier from Lamb to Talton, she added.
The two bishops shared the sermon time, which Lamb used to thank the continuing diocese for its efforts to rebuild.
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